Cindy’s discography is vast and eclectic. With a career as a singer-songerwriter that spans a couple decades, Cindy has had the opportunity to work with and record not only several solo albums, but also many collaborative efforts with colleagues and friends including Joe Sealy and George Koller in “The Nearness of You”, fellow East Coasters Raylene Rankin and Susan Crowe as part of Rankin, Church & Crowe, Murray McLauchlin, Marc Jordan and Ian Thomas in Lunch At Allen’s and finally for over 15 years with Quartette – Sylvia Tyson, Caitlin Hanford and Gwen Swick.
I played Nearness if You last week and a listener has asked where to get it. What should I tell him?
alot of great memories and fabulous songs on that album
where can i get the Cindy Church album in quebec ?yes the one from 1996